Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Tubin' and whatnot...

So last Saturday was really fun. we went to the lake and i jumped on our new inner tube. it was my first time, so i was really excited. i prob. rode it more than anyone out there, haha. i rode with lexi and chloe, and got very sunburned. it still hasnt gone away. but, again, it was fun. Then sunday i hung out with ashley and her fam. and of course spent the night. i had fun there too. then, as if that wasn't enough, Monday i went with to work with mom for some more money. Today i decided to just chill at home. and thats what i did. ha. anyway. if you're reading this, leave a comment. i dont care what you say, whether its about what i say, or just something like 'hi'. i just want some feedback. and.... if you have a blog or whatever i'll go and do the same fo' you :)
so yeah. i think thats it. peace ☮

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Friends, Fears, and Quizzes, Oh My! (lame)

So i just got back from Ashleys for two days yesterday. We had fun. We went to see the new Harry Potter movie. It was pretty good. Kinda different from the others to me...
Anyway, let me tell you about my freak out. So i have this huge fear of spiders. i cant stand them. And the other night, me ashley, zz, and ashlyn were sitting in ashleys driveway, talking and whatnot. I felt kinda like something was tickling my arm, so i looked down, and nothing was there. Then i went to rub my other arm bc i had that same feeling, and of course this HUGE spider was on me. So, naturally, i threw my phone down, hit the spider off of me, and jumped up and ran, all in one move, scaring my friends. I had a hard time staing still after that, and kept telling zz if she stayed sitting a spider was going to come and eat her face. haha!
So now that im done boring you with my spider story, its quiz-time. :)

Who knows​ a secre​t or two about​ you? Ashley, kirsten, alley, sarah, emily?
Four words​ to expla​in why you last threw​ up? i was sick i suppose? i cant even remember...
Have you ever burne​d yours​elf? yes, with a straightener and an iron when i was widdle.
What is crazy​ to you? aaalllll my friends
Who is proba​bly talki​ng a load of crap about​ you right​ now? um, no one i hope.
Who is your hero?​ travis pastrana :)
Would​ you ever want to be a super​model​? sure, it'd be fun i guess.​
Who is the most exper​iment​al perso​n you know?​ wha? alley, maybe?
Do you tell white​ lies?​ doesnt everyone?
When is your next party​?​ Saturday, if you call it a party. :) its not mine though.... whatever.
Who do you want to be with right​ now? my friends.
How do you handl​e a break​ up? pretty good i guess. only been broken up with once...
Your motiv​ation​ for tomor​row?​ its almost saturday!
Do you know what you will wear tomor​row?​ clothes... x)
Last perso​n to make you laugh​?​ umm ashley, or dad
Last thing​ you ate? cocoa pebbles. :)
Have you ever accid​ental​ly eaten​ an insec​t? not that i know of, ew.
Have you ever dropp​ed food on the floor​ and eaten​ it? 10 sec rule!
Do you kiss your pets on the mouth​?​ not purposely, no.
Do you talk baby talk?​ i hate that, so much.
What seria​l kille​r do you find most distu​rbing​? all of them? duh...​
Do you watch​ court​ tv? nope
Would​ you ever work in a retir​ement​ home?​ i guess. old people intimidate me. "o
Do you ​ believe plant​s have feeli​ngs?​ umm, they dont really have a brain. or a heart. or a soul. uh.
Do you laugh​ at peopl​e with bowl hairc​uts? yes, i do. but i also feel bad for them. :c
If you could​ fly, where​ would​ you go first​? up, duh. :) jk umm the beach? or nyc
​Do you prefe​r boats​ or plane​s?​ boats, bc i like water.
Love or lust?​ loooovvvvvvvveeeee
One best frien​d or 10 aquai​ntanc​es?​One best friend.
Favor​ite food?​ chicken,potatoes, chocolate :)
What upcom​ing event​ are you waiti​ng and ready​ for? Saturday at the lake. :)
Curre​nt smell​? air. i cant really smell anything..
​What was the last thing​ you order​ed at McDon​alds? southern style chicken sandwich. though that was months ago...
Are you an emoti​onal perso​n? uhhhh..... idk. am i?​
Do you like your name?​ kinda. i like others more. but i guess im happy with it.
Do you have plans​ this weeke​nd? yes.
What are you liste​ning to right​ now? thunder.
How long have you been a part of myspa​ce? well, thanks to my mother, my myspace is no more.​
Favor​ite place​ to be? at the beach. :)
What are you weari​ng right​ now? my 'class of 13 ' tee and areo plaid shorts.
Does anyon​e hate you? not that i know of. Mrs Rehner and Crazy Shipp prob. do lol.
How many peopl​e do you trust​ fully​?​ maybe 2 or 3
Did you have fun doing​ this?​ uh, sure :)
Are you think​ing of someo​ne right​ now? yeah.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

umm... idk what to put here.

So, just an update on the 24 hrs thing... i stayed up till 10:30(a.m.), then fell asleep. haha. but i got up at 3(p.m.) something then stayed up all night again with kirsten. so since then my 'sleeping schedule' is really screwed up.
i finally got contacts, so i can actually see now! its awesome, because everything looks so different. haha i sound so stupid, but its true. i love contacts. :)
high school is starting in like two weeks, and im so nervous. i cant wait till november when everything is normal again and im used to the whole... thing. i miss my friends and im happy i get to see them again, but im still nervous.
hmmm... what else? idk. i really wish i could get my myspace back. Or facebook. either. its really getting annoying not being able to talk to anyone. maybe i can get chris to help?
Ooooh! in a few months i get my learners! Yay! but it sucks i have to wait till 18 to get my drivers. ugh.
thats all i can think to write... type... whatever.
good night. ♥

Sunday, July 12, 2009

3rd today...

So this is my third post this morning. im just trying to stay awake.

Anyway i decided to look my name up on urban dictionary, because i hadn't before. Some weren't too pretty, but heres the one i liked. (p.s. i had to cut off a line or two... :])


A brightly spirited person, with a lot of passion for life.
Wants to know the entire world and more.
She is impulsive and at times can be too enthusiastic about certain things.
She is very loving and takes care of those she loves.
A people person, and is always interested in learning something new.
She is stunningly beautiful with bright eyes,
Curvy body with big hair.

So its pretty darn close to me :) i like it. though my hair isnt really that big... and i dont think im stunningly beautiful. that would just be so conceded. Im not ugly, though. i just wouldnt say stunningly beautiful...

peace, love and sleepiness, world :) ♥

Youtube, I tube, we all tube :) idk

so heres some awesome people. straight up.

just a few faves :) check them out. and of course, subscribe, comment, rate, etc, etc...

24 hours!

So... i bet myself, and a few others, that i would stay awak for 24 hours... possibly longer. and so far i've got about 7-8 hours to go! Woohoo! Yes, it is 7:21 right now, and yes, i did wake up at like 2ish yesterday (p.m. not a.m.). So far im not too tired. a little but nothing too horrid.
Anyway, Spencer is back at my dads house. :( im so sad about it. we just couldn't keep him here and i really dont know why.
So lately ive been doing some youtubing. and ive found some very funny people. check them out, why dont ya?
well i was going to put them here but youtube is down for maintenance. So we have to wait. but ill make a special little post just for them when its back up :)
love you world. ♥

Monday, July 6, 2009

Back home...

well the party was fun. not exactly what i expected, but the food was great and i swam with my friend and her brother and listened to alot of spanish i couldnt understand. (i caught a few words...) anyway... we went to the lake after and watched fireworks. it was awesome, because we had the perfect spot. then we were stuck in traffic down a long dark road for like an hour. it wasnt too bad because some people who lived in the houses on the road were outside yelling at the cars and it was pretty funny. ha.
today im back at my moms house. i saw her and my brother for the first time in like 2, 3 weeks? somewhere in there. nothing too exciting has happend yet... ive just been trying to fix my computer and all. stupid thing. well i think thats all i have to say for now.
Love ya! :) ♥

Friday, July 3, 2009


Im bored. As usual... im browsing the web and talking to kirsten, thinking if i should see if someone else has their phone back. probably not. Anyway theres this weird vampire movie on and its freaking me out... i hate blood. music should tune it out...
well im wanting to get out of here so bad its driving me crazy. i cant wait to get my license, and even then my brother or someone would have to come with me (learners), which sucks (no offense chris). i at least want to go to the beach once this summer, and i already know thats not gonna happen. Maybe i can go to the lake and make myself think its the beach? haha i sound so stupid.
tomorrow should be fun, i hope is. im going to this party for july 4th. i wont know anyone there, because everyone i do isnt going. of course. oh well, maybe itll go good. if not ill just ride out.
i guess thats enough for now. good night world :) i love you all

Thursday, July 2, 2009


So i have this kitten. His name is Spencer, and he is insane. I love him to death, but he can be very mischievous. (Nice vocab, i know :]). I thought i might show you some pictures of this crazy little kitty, so here you go.

cute, right? Dont let him fool you. He's crazy :)
...and curious. :)


well i haven't gotten on this blog a long time (like over a year...). Sorry for anyone that actually read it. I think i might update it and put new stuff on it and whatnot. So i guess im back! :) for a while anyway... :)